VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


There’s a rainbow in the sky!

away from:
JiuGuang is two minutes away from SE.
Jing An Temple is three minutes away from William’s house.
Lily lives 20 minutes away from JingAn Temple.
Family Mart is one minute away from my house.


1. tranquil (adj)= quiet
ex: I need a tranquil moment to do my Chinese homework.
ex: I need a tranquil moment when I do math homework. ship= 邮轮
ex: Have you been on the cruise ship before?
ex: I was on the cruise ship for 2 hours and enjoyed the night view.

3. falls (noun)= 瀑布
ex: The Niagara Falls is in Canada.
ex: Don’t stand too close to the falls, it’s very dangerous.


Let’s go to the movies on Friday night. The flowers bloom in the spring. The baseball game start at 8 o’clock tonight. We are planning a trip to Germany in November. What are you going to dress up as on Halloween. Dad and his friends meet on the first day every month. Why don’t we talk about this at lunchtime? We like going to the beach on weekends.