VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


short vowel: u

hug nut suck hut must buck bum hum hummer gut cut

I tuck Bum to bed with five bucks .

He must cut and grill the chicken on the log.


one day, more than 400 year sago, a man and a boy were walking along the road in Spain. For a long time they had been traveling in the hot sun and now they were very tired. At last, they saw ahead of them a long low building. Diego, said the man, we will ask the good friars at the convent for a cool drink of water. They will let us rest there and perhaps they can help me get ships for my great journey. I can then prove that the world is round. I shall be glad to rest. Father for I am very tired, said the boy, but why do you think that the friars can help you? You have asked many people for help but no one has been willing to give you money or ships.

It is true, Diego, said the father, that the kings and the rich men have not been willing to help me. still I shall never give up hope. These good fraiars are wise and kind. They spend their lives in this convent, reading and studying all the good books they can find. I have heard too, that one of these friars, named Perez, is a friend of Isabella, Queen of Spain. He might ask her to let me have ships for my voyage.

So Columbus- for what was the name of Diego’s father, knocked at the convent door. The friar who opened it spoke kindly to the thoughtful looking man and his bright faced boy and invited them to come in and rest. Then after the travelers had been given something to eat and drink, the friars gathered around Columbus to hear this story.