VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


1.residential area= 住宅区
ex: You cannot play fireworks in the residential area.

2. commercial area=商业区
ex: I like to live near the commercial area.

3. what a coincidence! = 好巧呀
ex: What a coincidence, we are wearing the same shirt!

4. touchy (adj)= sensitive
ex: Salary is a touchy subject among colleagues.

5. awkward (adj)= weird+embarrassing
ex: It’s awkward to go to a dinner with my boyfriend’s friends.


It’s a touchy subject. Talking socially about money can make people feel uncomfortable. But at work, have a conversation about how much people earn, and things can not only get awkward, but, in some cases, it can get you sacked.

According to a survey by the Trades Union Congress, 1 in 5 workers “have been told they can’t talk about their pay at work”. This, concludes the TUC, indicates how common pay secrecy or ‘gagging’ clauses are in employment contracts. ‘Pay secrecy clauses are a get out of jail free card for bad bosses,’ said TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady. ‘They stop workers from challenging unfair pay, allow top executives to hoard profits and encourage discrimination. More openness about wages is essential to building fairer workplaces.’