VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


1.bureaucratic =官僚主义
ex: If you work for the Chinese government, you would have experience with bureaucratic issues.

2.go the extra mile= push yourself a little harder
ex: You could go the extra mile and review all the previous notes.

3. bright (adj)= smart
ex: She’s a bright girl.
ex: He’s a bright student.


Children start imitating others and can use objects as symbols. Symbolic play involves using one object to represent different objects, such as using a box as a stool and using role play. Children think in pictures and use symbols. They start to use words as symbols for objects, which is the beginning of language development. Children see the world through their own eyes, not through someone else’s (this is known as egocentrism). Animism can also be seen where children believe objects can behave as if they are alive.

Intuitive thought stage (4 to 7 years)

This is the start of reasoning. Children ask a lot of questions as they realise that they know a lot and want to know more.

As we feared , the ability praise pushed the students right into the fixed mindset, they rejected a challenging new task that they could learn from. In contrast, when students were praised for effort , 90 percent of them wanted the challenging new task that they could learn from. Remember our study where praising kids’ ability lowered their IQ scores. Find a growth mindset way to compliment them.