VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


celebrity= se LE brity

product= PRO duct

endorsement= in DOORS ment

vital= VI tal

process= PRO cess

desire= de SIRE , derive

customer= cus dou mer

buyer= bai yer


1.sneeze (verb)= 打喷嚏
ex: I keep sneezing these days.

2. hoard (verb)= 囤
ex: I like to hoard contact lenses.

3. stiff (adj)= 僵硬的 紧的
ex: stiff neck 落枕
ex: My shoulders are stiff.


Have you ever been on social media and seen your favourite celebrity talking about a product? These endorsements might not be totally random, and are actually seen as a vital part of the marketing process. The question is: How do social media influencers ‘influence’ what you buy?

Human desire for status and making friends, combined with our need to belong to a group, make us susceptible to being ‘socially influenced’. Companies often use that desire to have a similar lifestyle to a celebrity we admire to hawk or launch a product. So, what do these endorsements actually do?

Firstly, they can be used to build brand awareness. A social media influencer should have a strong understanding of the platform they operate on, and therefore can create engaging content that not only adheres to the brand image, but sparks their followers’ interests in a product they might never have seen before. 

Secondly, influencers can improve a company or product’s relationship with their customer base. According to InMoment’s 2018 US Retail CX Trends Report on customer loyalty, 77% of buyers have been brand loyal for more than ten years. This is also true of 60% of millennials. A popular celebrity can target key demographics and talk or blog about a product, which can create an instant and lasting bond with the consumer.