VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


short vowel: a e i o u

bat nat back pack mad lag ban pan
bet net beck peck med leg ben pen

He has a black bat on Ben’s leg.
The pen is on the red pan in Beck’s net.


1.tolerate (verb)= stand XX 忍受XX
ex: I can’t tolerate people who are never on time.
ex: I couldn’t tolerate the pain for thermage.
ex: When I have dinner with my colleagues, they always talk about personal topics, I can’t tolerate it.

2. tolerable (adj)= can stand
intolerable (adj)
ex: The movie length was intolerable.
ex: His lengthy speech is intolerable. 


Do you like Shanghai?
Do you have another class after this?
Do you drive?


Absolutely, I enjoy going out in the evening, especially on Friday nights. You khnow, I am a party animal. I can’t tolerate missing parties at night. Most parties are held in the evening, which is exactly why I often go out in the evening.