VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


finish the worksheets: pg 20-21


1.refreshing (adj)= 凉爽的
ex: it’s refreshing to eat ice-cream in summer.
ex: it’s refreshing to eat watermelon when it’s hot.

2. buddy (noun)= 小伙伴
ex: I have a reading buddy in the library.
ex: I need a work out buddy.

3. adult (noun)= 大人 成人
ex: when you are an adult, you need to worry about other things.
ex: you need to listen to adults.

4. shallow (adj)= 浅水区
ex: you need to stay in shallow water if you can’t swim.

5. unknown =未知
ex: you shouldn’t open unknown packages.


There is nothing quite as fun and refreshing as a cool dip in the water on a hot humid summer day. However, playing in water can be dangerous if you do not know the rules of water safety.

Always swim with a buddy. If you have a problem, your friend can help you or go to ask for help. Never swim at a beach where there is no lifeguard of adult present. If you are a beginner, stay in the shallow end of a swimming pool. If you swim in a river or a lake, investigate what is below the water surface first. Do not jump or dive into unknown waters. If you are on a boat, always wear a life jacket.