VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


1.scarecrow (noun)= 稻草人
ex: the birds are scared of the scarecrow.

2.glad= 乐意的
ex: I’m so glad to see you today.
ex: I’m glad to help you.

3. classmate (noun)= 同学
ex: Will you have new classmates?

Speaking exercise

I want to go back to school because I can play with my friends and running on the playground. I look forward to my new teachers. I’m worried that I have many homework to do.


I want to go back to school because I can play with my friends and run on the playground. I look forward to my new teachers. I’m worried that I will have lots of homework to do.


All the birds were wondering about the strange looking man that stood in the farmer brown’s cornfield. The bluejay, the blackbirds, ad the crows were frightened. They wanted to dig ip the corn, but they were afraid of the scarecrow. Now, sand the farmer, the birds will not eat my corn as soon as it comes up. This scarecrow looks so much like a man that the birds will not come near it. But the wren were not afraid of the scarecrow. They had lived near houses and they had learned that people would not hurt them. They flew all around the scarecrow and soon saw that it was not a man.

Then Mrs Wren found a little hold in the scarecrow’s hat. She looked inside and found a good place for a rest. Wrens are very small birds. They are afraid of most big birds. They hide their nests so that crows and bluejays will not find their eggs and eat them. That is why wren often make their nests in very strange places. Mr and Mrs Wrens thought that the scarecrow’s hat would be that best place in the world of a nest. They knew that the bigger birds were afraid to come near the scarecrow.