VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R/W]


1.above XX= 在XX上方
ex: the bees are flying above the flowers.

2. under XX= 在XX地下
ex: the ball is under the table
ex: my cat is under the sofa.

3. beside XX= 在XX旁边
ex: Smart English is beside the shopping mall.
ex: The ice-cream shop is beside the bookstore.

4. comfortable (adj)= 舒服的
ex: I am very comfortable in my room.
ex: The cat is very comfortable because it is sleeping on the sofa.

5. uncomfortable (adj)= 不舒服的
ex: I feel uncomfortable today because I slept too late.
ex: You look uncomfortable, are you ok?

6. cage (noun)= 笼子
ex: the tigers are in the cage because they cannot come out.
ex: the bird is living in the cage.

7. umbrella (noun)= 伞
ex: it’s raining today, you should bring an umbrella.
ex: I have two umbrellas at home.


There are two fairies in the basket. The apples are beside the fairies. A bee is flying above the basket.  There are three flowers beside the basket. There is a butterfly on the sunflower. A snail is under the sunflower.

Writing exercise

My cats are on the sofa, there comfortable.

The monkeys are in the cage, they are playing.

The flowers are behind the fence, they are smell good.

Two girls are sit under the umbrella.


My cats are on the sofa, they are comfortable.

The monkeys are in the cage, they are playing.

The flowers are behind the fence, they are smell good.

Two girls are sitting under the umbrella.