VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


1.miss= 不重 错过
ex: I missed the bus.
ex: I always miss the enemy.

2. break= 弄断 弄坏
ex: break her leg
ex: break the iPad

3. backache = pain on the back
ex: I have a backache because I played games for too long.

4. get a sunburn= 晒伤
ex: I got a sunburn because I didn’t put on sunscreen.

5.  seasick= 晕船
ex: if you are seasick, then you shouldn’t go out to the sea

6. airsick= 晕机
ex: if you are airsick, then you cannot take the plane.

7. step on XX= 踩到XX
ex: you stepped on me! It hurts!
ex: I stepped on my cat by accident.

8. drown= 淹死
ex: if you don’t know how to swim, then you might drown in the sea.


I can’t wait for spring to come. I’m tired of winter. I’m tired of snow. I’m tired of cold weather and i’m sick and tired of winter coats and boots. Just think ! in a few more weeks it won’t be winter anymore. It’ll be spring, the weather won’tbe cold. it’ll be warm. It won’t snow anymore. It’ll be sunny. I won’t have to stay indoors anymore. I”ll go outside and play with my friends. We’ll ride bicycles and play baseball again.

In a few more weeks our neighborhood won’t look sad and gray anymore. The flowers will bloom, and the trees will become green again. My family will spend more time outdoors. My father will work in the yard. He’ll cut the grass and paint the fence. My mother will work in the yard, too. She’ll buy new flowers and plant them in the garden. On weekends we won’t just sit in the living room and watch TV. We’ll go for walks in the park, and we’ll have picnics on Sunday afternoons. I can’t wait for spring to come! Hurry spring.