VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


like +doing
hate +doing

I hate washing dishes. I hate eating onions

I like playing piano. I like reading novels.

(noun) is relatively more (adj) in comparison with (nouns)
ex: FIJI water is relatively more expensive in comparison with 百岁山 and 农夫山泉.


1.i changed my mind= i don’t want to do this
ex: I wanted to go to the movie theatre in the first place, but I changed my mind. 

2. exhibition (noun)= 展会 gallery
exhibit (verb)= show 展出
ex: There are lots of exhibitions in Shanghai.
ex: The gallery will exhibit some famous paintings.

3.  curator= 策展人
ex: the person who organized the exhibition is the curator.

4. critics= 评论家
criticize (verb)=批评
criticism (noun)= 评判
ex: some people cannot take criticism, because they think they are always right.
ex: The US citizens criticize the government.

5. Couples= a few
ex: I came to Shanghai a couple of years a ago.
ex: I have a couple of friends.


Because of her excellent English, whenever a foreigner comes to visit the gallery or inquires about certain artwork on the phone or through email, it would be her responsibility to answer the questions and show the visitor around. When the gallery plans to hold an exhibition in a foreign country, she’d get really busy, because she will be receiving those foreign curators and critics who come to visit and will go through all kinds of details concerning the exhibition with them.

I met Michelle at a party a couple of years ago. I was very impressed that an art major student can speak such good English, since most art students here hate studying English. Studying grammar and vocabulary would be against their free spirit as artists. I had never been in the art circle and I just knew nothing about what people were doing in the art business. Michelle explained to me what contemporary art was, how a gallery worked with artists, and who the potential buyers were. It was fascinating to me. I always like talking to people from all walks of life, and Michelle was the first person who doesn’t only help improve my English, but also teaches me art.