VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


1. mayor= 市长
ex: I want to meet the mayor.

2. reach= 够到
ex: I can’t reach it, could you help me?
ex: reach out= 救援
ex: you can reach out to me if you need help in Canada.

3. apron= 围裙
ex: do you put on an apron when you cook?
ex: My mother loves to wear an apron when she’s in the kitchen.

4. boil= 白煮
ex: if you want to lose weight, you can eat boiled vegetables.
ex: I used to eat two boiled eggs every morning.

5. piece= 小块
ex: Can I have a pieces?
ex: I would like two pieces of the (     ) pizza.

6. clog= 堵塞
ex: My toilet is clogged, I need a plumber. 修下水道的人

7. necessary= 必要的
ex: Food, water and shelter are necessary items for everyone.
ex: is it really necessary to wear a dress at night? it’s so cold?

8. leftovers= 剩菜
ex: do you like to pack the leftovers?

9. tips= 小费
tip (verb)= 给小费
ex: we don’t tip the waiters in China.
ex: In Canada, you have to give at least 10% tips.


Betty was a little girl who lived many years ago. She was not very big, but she had learned to help her mother. she could wash the dishes and mend the stockings. She could spin, too. but best of all she liked to cook. One day Betty was alone at home. Her father and mother and brother had gone to town to see a great sight. President Washington was making a journey through the country, he was going from town to town in a fine coach pulled by six white horse. they were all dressed in white and gold. At every town crowds of people waited to see the president. Little girls threw flowers before him as he rode along and little boys dressed like soldiers, marched to meet him. Betty’s brother John was to be one of the boys today. But Betty could not see this wonderful sight. someone had to stay at home to keep the house.

I will stay, other, Betty had said. John must march with the boys to meet the president. I will stay at home and cook the supper for you. Betty felt very sad that morning as her parents rode away. She did want to see George Washington, the first president of our country.

She sat on the porch and watched the people going to town. Oh if I could only see the president, she said to herself. But what sound was that!