VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S/R]


short vowel: aeiou
nat net nit not nut
bat bet bit bot but
pick fick lick Ricky wicked Nick Chris sick

answer banner can span ran


take care animals–> take care of the animals / my mom took care of me for 25 years.
keep- kept : I kept my promise to the Lord.
have a mistake–> make a mistake: she made a lot of/some mistakes.

I will to express my feelings–> I will express my feelings.


1. embarrassing = 尴尬的
ex: It was an embarrassing conversation, he kept asking me about my boyfriend.
ex: When my colleague makes a mistake, I will be very embarrassed. 

2.remind me of (someone/something)  让我想起(    )
ex: you remind me of my sister. 你让我想起我姐姐
ex: He reminds me of my ex-boyfriend, they look alike.

3. pray to (      ) = talk to the Lord
ex: let’s pray to the Lord/ pray to God/pray to Jesus for the food on the table.

4. pinky swear = 拉勾勾
ex: Let’s pinky swear, we don’t have a boyfriend before 18.

5. confident (adj)= believe in yourself 自信的
confidence (noun) =自信
ex: I have confidence in teaching, because I have a lot of experiences.
ex: She is very confident in her job, she’s good at what she does.
ex: I will show my confidence to other people if I am good at my job.

6. express (verb) = to show 表达
ex: You have to express your thoughts to your parents, they will understand you.
ex: I cannot express my feelings to him, I am married. I expressed my feelings to him.
ex: I cannot express my anger to him, he is my boss.

7. behaviour (noun)= how you act 行为
behave (verb)= 听话 乖一点
ex: he has bad behavior toward his students.
ex: Can you stop jumping around and behave?

Speaking exercise

When we communicate with others, we express our thoughts and feelings not only through the words we choose, but also through our tone of voice, facial expression and body language. In fact, many communications experts believe that far more information is communicated non-verbally (without words) than verbally (with words). “Body language” is an important part of non-verbal communication.

Body language includes many different aspects of our every day physical behaviour: the way we greet one another; how we stand, how we sit or walk; the way we position our arms and legs or use our hands and eyes are some of the most basic.