VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


weight= wait
hour= our

y (e sound): key kitty only city lazy pity dirty money


I want to more activities –> I want to have more activities.


1. 70% discount/70% off = 3折
ex: The store is closing, all clothes are 70% off.

2. occur (verb)= happen
ex: This accident (意外) occurred at night.
ex: This incident (事件) occurred in a pub in Shanghai.

3. labour= 人力
ex: A lot of things are made in China because we have cheap labour. 
ex: The labour cost (人力成本)is USA is way too high.

4. survive (verb)= live 生存
ex: It’s hard to survive in Shanghai, the living cost is toooooooo high.
ex: I think it’s difficult to survive in America, because I don’t speak English.


Child labour occurs when children get paid to do work. Although they have always had to work in some way, child labour started to become a major problem when children started to work in factories and mines in England during the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century . Many of them were very young. Factory owners forced them to work long hours and they got very little money for their work. Working conditions were very unhealthy. Factories were dirty and the air was bad. In mines children had to crawl through tunnels that were not wide enough for adults . Most children worked to help their families survive .