VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


  • 了解广告行业最新迭代与动向、媒体投放新形式同时维护并巩固媒体关系
  • Understand the latest trend of the advertising industry, new forms of media delivery while maintaining and consolidating the media connections.
  • 服务品牌有:欧莱雅集团、洲际集团、蒂芙尼、芬兰航空、美国联合航空、昆士兰旅游局、达能、交通银行等,并且曾推动芬兰航空尝试新的朋友圈广告形式,并在Q4拿到最受人喜爱的朋友圈广告前10。
  • Cooperating brands include: L’Oreal Group, Intercontinental group, Tiffany, Finland Airlines, United Airlines, Queensland Tourism Bureau, Danone, Bank of communications, etc., and have encouraged Finland airlines to try new forms of advertising through moments, and have won the top 10 favorite moment advertising in Q4.
  • 负责团队活动推广,对接各大新媒体、自媒体渠道如抖音、微博、B站等
  •  Responsible for the promotion of team activities, connecting with New Media and We-Media channels such as twitter, weibo, bilibili, etc
  • 同时负责开创“只二”小红书官方账号。在一个月时间内粉丝人数突破1000+
  • responsible for creating the official account of “only two” on RedBook and has accumulated over  1000 fans in one month.
  • 通过小红书官方账号的转换,单月帮助提升销售额30W+,另在周年庆活动中,完成公司并突破公司的业绩目标
  • Increased the sales volume by 300K + in a single month by advertising through the RedBook official account.  In addition, in the annual celebration, I had a breakthrough performance in the KPI performance objectives.
  • 在五个月的实习期间,完成千万级销售运营,多次突破日销售额新高。
    During the five-month internship, I established the sales of over ten millions in operation, broke the daily sales record for many times.

学生会 Student Union


Organized and planned two school concerts, 116 people participated in the show, achieved an attendance rate of 98% with 1600 seats, bringing a profit of 200K. Through participating in the organization planning of the event, I had in-depth understanding of the details of offline activities, and enhanced my communication and interpersonal skills.



Self assessment
1. Proficient in Excel and other Office softwares;
2. Passionate for fashion and leading-edge products / technologies;
3., Possess planning and execution ability, able to operate public accounts and service number accounts;
4. Willing to take the initiate and can cope with stress well.

教育背景 Education Background


Served as the director of Publicity Department of Student Union and the class president of vocal music class.
Won the third prize of vocal group of New York culture and Art Festival in 2017
Won the first prize in the vocal competition for three times in a row
Awarded as the Most Excellent Singer on campus.