VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


1.closet= 衣柜
ex: I have many clothes in my closet
ex: I have a very small closet.

2. scary= 可怕的
ex: The monster is very scary.
ex: I don’t like snakes,they are very scary.

3. take care of XX= 照顾XX
ex: My mom takes care of me.
ex: I take care of my bear.

4. finger= 手指
ex: I have 10 fingers.
ex: Nona hurt her finger today.

5. teeth= 很多牙齿
ex: I have 12 teeth!

6. neck= 脖子
ex: In the winter, my neck is very cold.

7. scarf= 围巾

ex: I need to wear a scarf in the winter.
ex: I have a pink scarf.

8. mitten= 手套

ex: It’s very cold outside, so Nona will wear her mittens.


My favorite monster: I have a monster that lives my closet. It is not a scary monster, it is a friendly monster. My monster has two green eyes, two horns on its head and pink fur. It has four toes on each foot, three fingers on each hand, and five teeth in its mouth.

At night, when I go to bed, my monster takes care of me. No scary monsters come around when my favorite monster is there.