VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


use the words you learned today and do a writing.


1.phlegm (flem)= ç—°
ex: I only had dry cough, I had no phlegm.

2. common= å…±åŒçš„
ex: he’s our common friend.
ex: it’s important to find a boyfriend who shares common interests/ values as you.

3. appearance= your look
ex: Women are never satisfied with their appearance.
ex: If you are confident about your appearance, then you don’t need to have a plastic surgery.

4. insecure= don’t feel safe 没有安全感
ex: I feel insecure at night in the bar.
ex: I feel insecure when I am alone in the house.

5. stereotype= 刻æ¿å°è±¡
ex: All old men like TaiChi, this is a stereotype.
ex: You must have double eyelids to look pretty, this is stereotype.

6. ideal (adj)= what you think is the bestç†æƒ³ä¸­çš„
ex: My ideal boyfriend should be someone who knows how to cook and take care of me.
ex: My ideal life is to be a landlord and collect rents.

7. up to scratch= up to standard
ex: The powerpoint is not up to scratch, could you redo it?
ex: my weight is not up to scratch so I exercise everyday.

8. you made my day= you made today very happy for me
ex: my daughter said “mama” and it made my day. 
ex: I found 100rmb in my jacket and it made my day. 


Don’t judge a book by its cover,’ the popular saying goes. ‘All that glitters is not gold,’ is another. ‘Fine feathers do not make fine birds,’ is a third. What do they have in common? They remind us that something’s appearance should not be the most important thing when determining its value. This is what the body positivity movement is all about. Its message is that we should value ourselves for who we are warts and all– accept our flaws and stop judging ourselves against our imperfections.

But it’s easier said than done. Despite this rise in positivity, many people still feel insecure about themselves and their appearance because it may not measure up to the objectified stereotype. So what can a person do to improve their own body positivity?

Not comparing your body to others’, particularly celebrities’, is a good first step. “We’re surrounded by these idealised images of what it is to be beautiful,” says Becky Young, founder of the Anti Diet Riot Club – a club helping people rethink their relationship with their bodies and food. She points out that comparing only creates a standard we think we need to aspire to and leads to feelings of disappointment if we aren’t up to scratch.

‘Learn to take a compliment,’ recommends Thriveworks, a counselling and coaching website which promotes positive mental health. When someone says something nice, embrace it – don’t push it away or play it down. And compliment others too. If you think someone looks nice, or someone has a good idea, tell them. It can lift them up.