VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


short vowel: aeiou

pat pet pit pot pug
backpack peddle shipping fossil tussle
capacity rest instinct politic bull
paradox pedestal discriminate optimistic function


person – one person
people –  2 people, 3 people, 100 people


ex: I walk across the street. 我过马路
ex: I am across the street 我在马路对面

2.hurry = faster faster 快点
ex: ” jason, hurry hurry, you are late for class”
ex: hurry Lily, you are late for school.

3.started= past tense of “start” 开始了
ex: this class started at 4.
ex: the people started to run

4. stopped= past tense of “stop” 停了
ex: the car stopped. 车停了
ex: can you stop running? 你能停止跑步吗?/你能不要跑吗


it was the very first day of school for Billy. Breakfast was over and he was all ready to go. He had a new hat and new shoes, and he looked very nice. Take good care of Billy, Alice. Watch for the cars as you go across the street. Hurry Alice, said Billy. I want to get to school early. Billy and his sister started to school. Many other children were going to school too. Soon Billy saw the big red school across the street. Some children were playing in the school yard. Just then Alice saw Polly and stopped to talk with her. “Wait for me, Billy”, she said. But Billy did not want to wait for his sister. He wanted to hurry. Some of the boys in the school yard were playing ball. Billy wanted to play with them. He saw some cars coming. But he thought he could get across the street if he ran very fast. So he started to run.