VIP Class Notes (Lily)


1.chemistry= 化学反应
ex: Even though he is good looking, I don’t have chemistry with him.

2. neighborhood= 小区
ex: we live in the same neighborhood.

3. childhood= 童年
ex: he likes to talk about his childhood.

4. friends for benefits= sex partner
ex: we were just friends for benefits. 

5. effective (adj)= 有用的
ex: Ulthera is very effective.

6. scumbag= 渣男
ex: Many men are scumbags, they take you for granted.

7. take (      ) for granted= 觉得( )理所应当 ,就该的
ex: My husband took me for granted, he thinks I should do this and that as his wife.
ex: Don’t take me for granted, I’m not your dog.

8. put (yourself) in (my) shoes= 你站在我的立场
ex: If you put yourself in my shoes, then you would understand how hard it is to be your wife.

9. rollerblade = 旱冰
go ice- skating= 溜冰
ex: They went ice-skating and caught a cold.

10. mommy’s boy=妈宝
daddy’s little girl= 小公主
ex: Every girl wants to be daddy’s girl. 
ex: I hate mommy’s boys, they rely on their mother too much.

11. pro= 高手
ex: He’s a pro, he’s so good at this.
ex: you are so pro!