VIP Class Notes (Lily)


Who What When Where Why + How

Who +am I speaking with? >>> who are you?
Who +are we eating with? We are eating with my colleagues
Who+ is coming? 谁要来?
Who+ are you/were you eating with? I’m eating with my parents. >>>I was eating with my colleagues.
Who + were you talking to/with? 你刚才在和谁说话 >>> I was talking with my friends.

What +are you/were you doing? 你在干嘛? I’m watching TV.
What +do you /did you want to do? 你想做什么?
What +do you/ did you want to eat? 你想吃什么?
What +are you eating? 你在吃什么?

When+ are you coming (back to Shanghai)?  >>> I’m coming (back) tomorrow.
When+ are you going/leaving ?  I’m going/leaving at 6pm.
When + are we going to the airport?
When + is she (Anna) coming to Shanghai?
When + are they going?
When + does your plane/do you arrive?

Where +are you going= 你现在要去哪里?
 +do you want to go? 你想去哪里?
where + are you? 你在哪?
where + were you? 你刚才在哪?
where + do you want to eat? 你想去哪里吃饭?

why + do you study English?
why + do you /did you sleep so early?
why + are you/ were you late/ unhappy/sad/ hungry/ angry/ crying?

are you= how are you doing? = how is it going? = 你好吗
how is/ was it? 怎么样了
How is he/ she? 他她怎么样了
How are you going to the office?
How did you come today?

Which one do you like? = which one would you like?

I (will) have hotpot for dinner on Saturday at 6 pm.
I (will) have Chinese food for lunch. 

on+ day, street/ road/ 楼层
ex: I will have hotpot on Wednesday.
ex: On Christmas/ On Valentine’s Day
ex: we are on West NanJing Road.
ex: we are on the 9th floor.
ex: What floor do you live on? I live on the 11th floor.

in/ at= in大地方 at准确位置
ex: in Shanghai, in Hangzhou
ex: I’m in JiuGuang, at the supermarket
ex: I am at home, I am at work