VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


1.across something:什么什么对面

ex: across the room, across the road , across the table

2. cross the road: 过马路

3. hard: 难

ex: I think English is very hard

4. 101: one hundred and one

5. 1006: one thousand and six

6. 10,008: ten thousand and eight

7. open/ close (verb): 手动打开/关起 某样东西

ex: open the gift, open the window/door, open the box

8. turn on/off (verb): 开/关 电器类

ex: turn on the light, turn on the phone, turn on the tv

9. first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth,seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth。。。。。last(最后)

ex: first time 第一次 , first job 第一份工作,first girlfriend 第一个女朋友,first row 第一排,the furthest (row)possible


  1. daughter: DAU ter –> DAU der

2. 30 thirty: THIR t / THIR d

nag, bag, pat, lag, mad

ned, ted, met, wed, wet 

pit, hit, kit, fit 

pot, nod, rot, dot 

hug, nut, lust, gut

paste, cake, take, mate


kite, like, dike, hike, drive, pile, write, wine, whine, white

note, dope, drone, trone, scone, alone

nude, puke, duke


Question: what’s up? how are you doing? sup?

answer:  nothing much, all good

My name is Bob. Each day I drive my kids to school. My daughter goes to a school that’s far from our house. It takes 30 minutes to get there. Then I drive my son to his school. It’s close to my job. My daughter is in the sixth grade and my son is in the second. They are both good students. My daughter usually sings her favorite songs while I drive. My son usually sleeps.

I arrive at the office at 8:30 AM. I say good morning to all my workmates then I get a big cup of hot coffee. I turn on my computer and read my email. Some days I have a lot to read. Soon I need another cup of coffee.