VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

I had class every other day: 隔一天上一次课

On the other days: 其他那些天

Do not betray me/do not cheat on me: 不要背叛我

your smile is very genuine: 笑容很真诚

there was a time: 有一次

me and my work mate: me and my colleague/coworker

I had a crush on him: 我有点喜欢他,对他有好感


genuine: 真诚,真实

disingenuous: 不真诚,做作

candid: 真实的,没有排练过的

Ex: Many influencers try to take candid shots while being very not candid.

authentic: 真实,做自己, 正宗的, true to self

polyamorous: 多伴侣的人