2 VIP Class Notes (Lily)


1.investigate (verb)= 调查
investigation (noun)= 调查
ex: The policeman wants to investigate the case.
ex: We have started this investigation 2 years ago.

2. can’t stand= 受不了
ex: I can’t stand the smell.
ex: I can’t stand you.

3. trick or treating= an activity people do on Halloween.
ex: on Halloween, people will go from door to door and say “trick or treat”. 

4. t vampire (noun)= 吸血鬼
ex: Vampires need to drink blood to survive 生存
ex: Vampires can’t see the light.

5. mummies= 木乃伊
ex: In Egypt, there are many stories about mummies.

6. temper (noun)= 脾气
ex: My chick has a bad temper.
ex: I have a good temper.

7. available= 可以 有时间
ex: when are you available for dinner?
ex: are you available tonight?
ex: I turn on the lights on Halloween to show the children that there are candies available.

8. punish (verb)= 惩罚
punishment (noun)= 惩罚
ex: My mom punishes me by hitting me with a stick.
ex: Different parents have different ways of punishments.
ex: If you lose the game, there will be serious punishments.

9. connection (noun)= 关系 连接
ex: if you have connections in China, then you can make lots of money.

10. costumes= 制服 服装
ex: On Halloween, you can wear costumes to school.
ex: I wore my butterfly costume to school.