VIP Class Notes (Lily)


write about “when was the last time you had a hard time doing womething?”


1.sneak (verb)= 偷偷的
ex: Don’t sneak out of the classroom, your teacher will catch you!

2. hoop= the hole for playing basketball.
ex:the court had a hoop with a net.

3. stress (noun)= 压力
ex: My mom is very stressed because she needs to make money.
ex: My dad has lots of stress because he needs to make money.
ex: I was very stressed with my papers when I was in university.

4. I have a hard time= i think this is hard
ex: I have a hard time (verb+ing)…
ex: I have a hard time writing my paper.
ex: I have a hard time doing/finishing my homework.

5. have a good time= happy
ex: I’m having a good time in school.
ex: I’m having a good time with my friends.

6. exactly= 完完全全
ex: I have exactly 100 pairs of shoes.
ex: I do exactly 200 sit ups everyday.
ex: I wake up everyday at exactly 8 o’clock.


Today we had PE, so the first thing I did when I got outside was sneak off to the basketball court to see if the Cheese was still there. and sure enough, it was. that piece of Cheese has been sitting on the blacktop since last spring. I guess it must’ve dropped out of someone’s sandwich or something. After a couple of days, the cheese started getting all moody and nasty. Nobody would play basketball on the court where the cheese was, even though that was the only court that had a hoop with a net.

Then one day, this kid named Darren Walsh touched the cheese with this finger and that’s what started this thing called the cheese touch. It’s basically like the Cooties. If you get the cheese touch, you’re stuck with it until you pass it on to someone else. The only way to protect yourself from the cheese touch is to cross your fingers.