VIP Class Notes (Lily)


Do you believe in fortune teller? Why? Why do many people believe in fortune tellers?

Vocabulary top floor of the house
ex: I like to be with my dog in the loft.

2. coax= trick XX nicely to do something
ex: Her mom will coax her to eat vegetables.
ex: My grandma coaxes me to do homework.

3. a bouquet of flowers= 花束💐
ex: He gave her a bouquet of flowers. 

4. layer= 件
ex: Jerry has 3 layers of clothes today, but it’s 18 degrees.
ex: I only have one layer because it’s too hot!

5. fortune teller= 预言家 算命的
ex: Many Chinese people believe in fortune teller.

6. owner= 主人 the person who owns XX
ex: I’m the owner of the toy.
ex: She’s the owner of the dog.
ex: he’s the owner of the book.


Friday afternoon Bill and his playmates hurried to the old barn near the river. They were getting ready to have a circus on Saturday. Upstairs in the barn loft the girls were all busy making dresses for the circus. Jenny’s little dog, Brownie, was up in the loft with them. Brownie was going to be in the circus, too. for he could walk on his hind legs and do other tricks.

Downstairs the boys were hammering. They were making a band wagon for the circus parade. Come down, girls and we will show you our band wagon. Called George. The girls came climbing down the ladder, wearing their bright colored circus dresses. What a fine band wagon, they cried. Suddenly Brownie began to bark.

He does not like to be left up in the loft alone, said Jenny. But we can’t coax him to come down the ladder. Just then the children heard someone shout, fire fire! They looked out of the door, a man was running toward the barn.  The roof is on fire. he shouted to the children. Get right out, don’t stop for anything quick! Run for help while I get a ladder, Bill ran down the street to a garage, where he telephoned for the firemen. Then he ran back to the barn. Two men were on the rood, throwing water on the flames. But the fire spread so fast that they had to climb down. Thick smoke began to come from the barn windows and the cracks between the boards.

All at once Jenny began to cry, Oh bill, she said. Brownie is in the loft, i couldn’t coax him to come down the ladder, Brownie! Brownie!

Speaking exercise

One day, it was the Valentine’s Day. MB and his friend went to the Valentine’s Fair. They saw a shop, if you are lucky, you will get the ticket of a trip. They went to see a fortune teller, the fortune teller said they must buy a card which has 77 on it. Then they bought it, but the card flew away. The card fell on a car. MB drove his car to catch it. The card flew away again, it flew into a restaurant, and the chef kicked him away. MB found that he caught the card but just then the shop called him to do the draw. This time it’s 76, MB followed another man and went on a trip, they were all very happy.


One day, it was the Valentine’s Day. MB and his friend went to the Valentine’s Fair. They saw a shop, if you are lucky in a draw, you will get a free trip. They went to see a fortune teller, the fortune teller said they must buy a card with the number 77. After they bought it, but the card flew away. The card fell on a car. MB drove to catch it. The card flew away again, it flew into a restaurant, and the chef kicked him out. MB found that he caught the card but just then the shop called him to do the draw. This time it’s card number 76, MB followed another man and went on a trip, they were all very happy.

Writing exercise

Write down what you saw in the last episode of Mr Bean.

One day, Mr Bean bought a boat in a bottle and put it in his pocket. However, soon the bottle dropped in a lorry. Then the lorry drove to a factory. In the evening, Mr Bean walked into the factory, and there were no people in it. So Mr Bean opened the machine and he saw his boat on the machine belt. Suddenly, he dropped into the big machine and he was was very scared of that machine. At last, Mr Bean caught it and brought it back to home, but unfortunately he crashed it on the floor. Mr Bean was very sad so he put it in the fish tank. The little fish liked it very much.


Write down what you saw in the last episode of Mr Bean.

One day, Mr Bean bought a boat in a bottle and put it in his pocket. However, soon the bottle dropped in a lorry. Then the lorry drove to a factory. In the evening, Mr Bean walked into the factory, and nobody was there. So Mr Bean turned on the machine and he saw his boat on the machine belt. Suddenly, he dropped into the big machine and he was was very scared of that machine. At last, Mr Bean caught it and brought it back to home, but unfortunately he dropped it on the floor. Mr Bean was very sad so he put it in the fish tank. The little fish liked it very much.