VIP Class Notes (Lily)


phlegm= flem
diarrhea拉肚子 dai a ree a
constipation 便秘 con sdi pation


I am not feeling well
I have a fever
I have a cold– I have a flu流感


1.emergency= 急诊
ex: Where is the emergency?

2. clinic= 诊所
ex: my family doctor works in a very small clinic. 

3. drugstore/pharmacy =药店
ex: Where is the nearest drugstore?
ex: Is there any drugstore nearby?
ex: Is there a 24 hour drugstore?

4. prescribe (verb)= 开药
ex: Could you prescribe some antibiotics for me?
ex: Could you prescribe some sleeping pills for me?

5. prescription (pres grip tion) (noun)= 处方(单子)
ex: I don’t have a prescription, can I get some (       )?

6.counter = 柜台
ex: You can go to the counter and ask for medicine/ ask for help.
ex: There’s always a pharmacist at the counter who can help you.

7. symptoms (simp tens) =症状
ex: What symptoms do you have? I have a fever and a little cough.

8. cough= 咳嗽
ex: do you have phlegm痰 in your cough?

9.mosquito repellent 驱蚊
ex: I need to buy some mosquito repellents.

10. stomachache 肚子疼
toothache       牙疼
headache        头疼
backache         背疼 腰疼
diarrhea           拉肚子
constipation   便秘
throat hurts    喉咙痛

11. plan B= 紧急避孕药
ex: You don’t need a prescription to buy plan B.
ex: You can buy plan B off the counter.