VIP Class Notes (Lily)


1.dye (verb)= color your hair
ex: I dyed my hair this afternoon by myself.

2.bleach (verb)= piao
ex: I will never bleach my hair, because it’s very damaging.

3. procrastinate (verb)= tuo yan
procrastination (noun)
ex: Most students will procrastinate and do things the last minute.
ex: Procrastination is a big problem among younger students.

4.cardio= 有氧
ex: People like swimming because it’s the only cardio that won’t sweat.

5. ingredient (noun)= 成分 ,parts
ex: I need to buy the ingredients for making the cake.

6. flour= white powder
ex: Flour is the most important ingredient when making a cake.

7. elegant (adj)= 优雅的
ex: French women are very elegant.