VIP Class Notes (Lily)


obvious= oh vee yes


1.faint/fainted= passed out 晕了
ex: she fainted and the man wanted to violate her.

2.turn (oneself) in =自首
turned (oneself) in= 自首了
ex: He turned himself in to the police.
ex: I turned myself in. 我自首了

3. sentence= 罪名
ex: he got a heavy sentence/ light sentence. 
ex: he got a life sentence= 终生监禁 无期
ex: he got a death sentence = 死罪

4. trial= 审判
ex: He got a death sentence on the first trial.

5. incident (noun)= 事件
ex: The incident happened at night so nobody saw it.
ex: it was a tragic incident/ tragedy. 悲剧

6. parking space= 车位
ex: in Shanghai, it’s very expensive to own a parking space.

7. destination (noun)= the final stop where you want to go
ex: we will arrive at our destination in 1 hour.

8. preserve (verb)= 保存 保护 维持
ex: The Great Wall is well preserved.

9. great grand (father/mother/ daughter)= 曾XX
ex: my grandma will never see her great grand daughter.

Writing exercise

I like travelling by car because it is more convenient than high-speed train. I can’t arrive the place directly if I travel by train, I need spend a lot of time on my commute and go through over three transfer. But If I travel by car, I will only check my route beforehand. I can buy some local food in service areas. The architectural features of service areas in different regions are different. Compared with Zhejiang, the ancient constructs or arts in Suzhou are remained well. So if people travel by car, they can appreciate local constructs. But I don’t have the driver’s licence, neither does my husband. All of the above are my imagination.


I like travelling by car because it is more convenient than high-speed train. I can’t arrive at the destination directly if I travel by train, I need to spend a lot of time on commuting. But If I travel by car, I can just follow the GPS. I can buy some local food in the service areas. Every architectural features of service areas are different. Compared with Zhejiang, the ancient constructions or arts in Suzhou are preserved well. So if people travel by car, they can appreciate the local constructions. But I don’t have the driver’s licence, neither does my husband. All of the above are my imagination.