VIP Class Notes (Lily)


1.tough (adj)= difficult, hard
ex: this is a tough decision.
ex: the questions on the test are very tough.
ex: English is not tough for me.

2. risk (noun)= 风险
take a risk =冒险
ex: you have to take risks in life.
ex: Cats like to take risks, they can jump off a very high place.
ex: My grandpa doesn’t like to take risks because he is old.

3. crave (verb)= 渴望, really really want
ex: I crave for ice-cream everyday.
ex: Lots of men crave for money.
ex: I crave for a pet duck.
ex: Helen craves for a trip to Japan.

4. get in touch with XX= 和XX联系
ex: I don’t get in touch with my elementary school friends.
ex: do you get in touch with your neighbors?

5. guardian =监护人
ex: The guardian can replace the parents to take care of you.
ex: If I am your guardian, I have to make food for you.
ex: If my parents are not at home, my grandpa will be my guardian.

6. cup noodles/ instant noodles= 方便面 泡面
ex: My mom doesn’t let us eat instant noodles, she thinks they’re very unhealthy.
ex: I love cup noodles because I can’t cook.
ex: If my dad is not at home, my mom will make cup noodles.