VIP Class Notes (Lily)


review the words today and do a writing using them.


1.nonverbal= not talking
ex: People could hurt you non-verbally.
ex: nonverbal expression= body language

2. chin= 下巴
ex: when you feel confident, you will have your chin up.

3. govern= take over 统领
ex: Your body language could govern how you feel about yourself.

4. assertive (adj)= 坚定而自信的 肯定的
ex: It’s important to have an assertive leader.
ex: I’m not always assertive, I want to study economics, but it’s a little hard for me.

5. hunch= 驼背
ex: If you hunch your back too much, you will look short.

6. traumatic (adj) =悲惨的
trauma (noun)= 创伤
ex: it’s a trauma that his parents passed away.
ex: It was a traumatic experience at the funeral.

7. laid back = 放松的
ex: you should be more laid back for the presentation, you are well prepared.
ex: are you a laid back person?

8. tweak (verb)= 轻微调整little little changes
ex: I need to tweak the position
ex: You should tweak the numbers a bit.