VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


watch one episode of XX and write about it.


short vowel i

hit bit pig six big lipstick glue stick kit kin bin pin lit tip

six big lipsticks are in a kit.
There are six pins in the bin.
Lily bit the glue stick that’s on the bin.


1.value (noun)= 价值
ex: the value of the cup is very high.

2. worth (verb)= 值
ex: it’s not worth your time.
ex: He’s not worth it. 他不配 他不值得


What is the most significant festival for Chinese people? I would say it is the Chinese Spring Festival. There is no doubt about it that Spring Festival has the most profound meaning to Chinese people. Spring Festival is the time for families. It doesn’t matter where is families are, they will travel across mountains and rivers to get back home to visit their parents in the particular time of the year. It is a time of happiness and reunion. Spring Festival comes attached with a tremendous significance to each Chinese person.