VIP Class Notes (Lily)

Today we focused on:

worked on English Smart (grade 3): page 210-211


1.invent (verb)= 发明
ex: Tea was invented 4700 years ago.

2. boiling water (noun)= 滚水
ex: You need to clean it with boiling water.

3. notice (verb)= 注意到
ex: I didn’t notice your new shirt.
ex: He didn’t notice my new haircut.

4. became (verb)= past tense of “become”
ex: He became a teacher 10 years ago.

5. purchase (verb)= buy 购买
ex: He purchased a car last year.
ex: Lily wants to purchase the swan skin for XiaoQiao.

6. bought (verb)= past tense of “buy”
ex: I bought a phone last year.
ex: She bought 10 pairs of shoes.

7. decide (verb)= 决定
ex: You can decide what you want to eat.
ex: I can decide what game to play.