VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


leather= le ther

world= were road 肉

Vocabulary 靴子👢
ex: I like to wear boots in the winter.
ex: my mom has many winter boots. 

2. gown=礼服
ex: i want to wear a wedding gown.
ex: I don’t have any gowns.

3. elegant (adj)= 优雅的
ex: she is an elegant woman.
ex: My mom is a very elegant lady.

4. rug (noun)= 地毯
ex: I need to buy a new rug for the kitchen.
ex: The rug is too dirty, I need to throw it away.
ex: Nobody likes rugs in the family.

5. mattress=床垫
ex: My mattress is very expensive because it’s very good.
ex: My parents think my mattress is the best one in the family.


Julie is buying a briefcase from Italy because she thinks that Italian briefcase are the most attractive briefcases in the world. David is buying leather boots from Spain because he thinks that Spanish boots are the softest boots in the wold. Francine is buying an evening gown from Paris because she thinks that French evening gowns are the most elegant gowns in the world. Mr and Mrs Chang are buying a sofa from Sweden because they think that Swedish furniture is the most modern furniture in the world. Victor is buying a fur fat from Russia because he thinks that Russian hats are the warmest hats in the world. Brenda is buying a sweater from England because she thinks that English sweaters are the best sweaters in the world. Michael is buying a watch from Switzerland because he thinks that Swiss watches are the most reliable watches in the world. Mr and Mrs Rivera are buying a rug from China because they think that Chinese rugs are the most beautiful rugs in the world. Nancy is buying coffee from Brazil because she thinks that Brazilian coffee is the most delicious in the world.