VIP Class Notes (Lily)





he cost about– > it costed him 

i have allergic— I am allergic

i haven’t an idea–>I don’t have any idea


1.diarrhea= 拉肚子
ex: Diarrhea is inevitable if you go to ChengDu.

2. citizen= 公民
resident= 居民
ex: if you are a resident for over 5 years, then you can apply to be a citizen.

3. dual citizenship= 双重国籍
ex: China doesn’t allow dual citizenship.

4. give birth to XX
ex: if I give birth to my child in China, he/she would still be Canadian.

5. raise the bar= 提高标准
ex: the bar is raised, they only accept elite/wealthy people into their country to contribute to the GDP.

6. hot spring= 温泉
ex: There are hot springs in ZhangJiaKou.

7. a get-away (noun)= 出走 出游
ex: I need a get-away, I’ve been stuck here for 7 months.

8. on the spot= right away
ex: I have to correct you on the spot so you realize the problem.
ex: I can’t remember his name on the spot.