VIP Class Notes (Lily)


1.energetic (adj)= 有活力的
ex: I was very energetic in my PE class.
ex: My friends and I are energetic everyday.

2.generous (adj)= 大方的
ex: My friend is very generous, she always shows me her new pen.
ex: My friend Alice is very generous, yesterday she gave me an eraser.

3. obnoxious (adj)= 调皮捣蛋的
ex: The boy who sits behind me is very obnoxious.
ex: Some boys in my class are obnoxious.

4. patient (adj)=有耐心的
ex: My mother isn’t very patient to me.
ex: I am patient when I am doing my homework.

5. popular (adj)=出名的 有名的
ex: Jay Chou is a very popular singer.

6. sloppy (adj)=草率的 粗心大意的 马虎的
ex. Sometimes I’m sloppy when I do math.

7. stubborn (adj)= 固执的
ex: My grandfather is stubborn sometimes, he never listens to my mother.