VIP Class Notes (Lily)

Next Class Focus

test her on the 12 months of the year + the 7 days of the week

Today we focused on:

worked on making sentences with adjectives


1.oval= 椭圆形的
ex: I have an oval face.
ex: I have an oval plate, I eat with it.

2. huge=巨大的
ex: You have a huge house! Can I go in?
ex: Disneyland is huge, there are 7 theme parks.

3. tiny=超级小的
ex: My washroom is tiny because I have a tiny apartment.
ex: you have tiny hands because you are a little girl.

4. meal= 餐饭
ex: we eat 3 meals a day.
ex: I used to eat 5 meals a day.

5. elephant= 大象🐘
ex: the elephant walks very slow because it has short legs.

6. but= 但是
ex: it’s raining but I still have to go to work.
ex: I can sing but I can’t dance.

7. dusts= 灰尘
ex: it’s an old house, so there are lots of dusts.