VIP Class Notes (Lily)


adjective (adj)= 形容词
ex: big, small, cute, ugly, red, blue, green, purple, long, short


1.helpful (adj)= someone who likes to help people 乐于助人的
ex: Lily is helpful because she likes to help her dad to clean the room.

2. find (verb)= 找
ex: I can’t find my phone.
ex: I can’t find my apple.

3. fast (adj)= 很快的
ex: The car is very fast.
ex: I run fast.

4. soft (adj)= 软软的
ex: The sofa is very soft.
ex: My pillow is very soft.

5. fluffy (adj)= 蓬松的
the cloud is very fluffy.

6. fierce (adj)= 凶猛的
ex: the lion is fierce because it eats a rabbit.
ex: The tiger is fierce, it can eat lots of animals.

7. slow (adj)= 慢的
ex: the elephant walks very slow because it is very big.

8. bright (adj)= 亮的
ex: the light is too bright, I can’t see!