VIP Class Notes (Lily)


1. take the initiative= 主动
ex: Some people like to take the initiative in a relationship.

2. metabolism= 新陈代谢
ex: when you are young, you will have good metabolism, you can eat a lot and you won’t get fat.

3. athletic= someone who likes sports
ex: girls who are athletic are usually darker.
ex: people who are athletic are very healthy.

4. health (noun)
healthy (adj)
ex: you are in a good health, you are healthy.

5. influence (verb)= 影响
ex: has anyone influenced you in a positive way?

6. academic = 学术性的
ex: do you have academic discussions with your friends?

7. interpersonal skills= 人际关系
ex: My job is more related to interpersonal skills.

8. multi-taslk= do more things at one time
ex: I love multi-tasking, I will brush my teeth and reply messages.