VIP Class Notes (Lily)


what do you want to do if you are a fairy?


1. touched/ moved= 感动
ex: I am touched by the movie.
ex; My dad will buy me a house, I am so touched.

2. almost= 快要
ex: We will almost finish our class.
ex: The koala sleeps almost all day.
ex: “Did you finish your homework?” “almost!”
ex: I’m almost done!

3. celebration (noun)= 庆祝
celebrate (verb)= 庆祝
ex: We need to celebrate our birthdays!
ex: On my birthday, I will celebrate with my families.

4. offend= 冒犯
ex: when my friend said Im fat, I was offended.

5. this instant= right away 这一刻
ex: can you come here this instant?
ex: please go to the airport this instant!

6. fairy= 精灵
ex: Maleficient is a fairy, she can fly.