VIP Class Notes (Lily)


1.fashionable= 时尚的
ex: Helen looks very fashionable today in her pink dress.
ex: My mom always looks very fashionable.

2. hospitable= 热情友好的 招待周到的
ex: When there are guests over at my home, my mom is very hospitable.
ex: My friend is very hospitable, she always gives me some small presents.

3. polite= 有礼貌的
ex: I like students who are very polite, they will say “good afternoon” to me.
ex: The waiters are always very polite.

4. impolite= 没礼貌的 不礼貌的
ex: She’s very impolite, she never says thank you.
ex: In my class, some boys are very impolite, they don’t listen to the teacher.

5. talented= 很有天赋的
ex: Beethoven is very talented at piano. Beethoven is a very talented piano player.
ex: My dad is talented at math.

6. talkative (adj)= someone who likes talking
ex: My friend is very talkative, she can talk about everything.
ex: My friend is very talkative, she talks about everything she knows.