VIP Class Notes (Lily)


this is our book — this book is ours.

this is her pencil— this pencil is hers.


1. finally =终于
ex: I can finally have a class with you!
ex: IKEA is finally opened.

2. give up = 放弃
gave up
ex: I was too busy with school so i gave up piano.
ex: When the exercise is very hard, i will give up.

3. give in =妥协
gave in
ex: my friend kept asking me “lily come out and eat!!!” so i gave in.
ex: My mom always say you are a little fat girl, so don’t eat too much. I never give in.

4. chubby (adj)= 肉肉的 胖乎乎的
ex: your baby is so chubby.
ex: Ally has a chubby face, so she looks young.

5. abs= 腹肌
6-packs = 6块腹肌
ex: there’s a machine that can make abs.
ex: my brother has abs.

6. peak season= 高峰期
ex: During the peak season, the hotels are so expensive in ErShiGu.

7. deal= 折扣活动
ex: the hotel has lots of good deals.