VIP Class Notes (Lily)


1. keep= 保留
maintain=维系 维持
ex: it’s hard to maintain a good relationship with your mother-in-law.
ex: You can keep my book, i’ll get it next time.

2. save my spot= 留一下
ex: can you save my spot for me? I’ll be back in 2 minutes.

3. authorized payment= 自动扣款
ex: you can set up authorized payment for your credit card.

4. line up= 排队
ex: my mom lined up for a long time at the bank.

5. bond= 基金
ex: my mom likes to buy bonds.
ex: high-risk bond vs. low risk bond.

6. more than XX= XX以上
less than XX= XX以内
ex: if you buy a bond for more than one year, you will get 10% return.

7. stock= 股票
ex: my mom doesn’t like to buy stocks, she lost a lot of money.

8. borrow money from her =向她借钱
ex: Sometimes I borrow money from her .
ex: My friend borrowed money from me and never gave back.

9. lend money to XX= 给钱给XX
ex: I will never lend money to my friends again.
ex: if you lend money to your friend, you should be prepared that you might never get it back.

10. toothache= 牙疼
ex: she has a toothache, so she borrowed money from me.

11. restricted= 被限制
restrict =限制
ex: I don’t like to be restricted with how I spend my money.
ex: this area is restricted, you cannot come in.
ex: I restrict myself not to eat too much.

12. blender= 榨汁机
blend (verb)= 搅拌
ex: you can blend avocado and carrot.
ex: I have a blender at home but I rarely use it.