VIP Class Notes (Lily)


oa- boat coat coast poach toad road boast goat
ai- rain sail tail rail hail pain saint  paint frail
ay- hay bay clay play ray fray gray May

all= call tall wall mall

ight- bright tight fright right height light might wright knight sight fight


the teacher’s dog
Jones’ dog

can you help me? –> Can you please advise?
do you understand?–> Let me know if you have any questions. Do not hesitate to ask me if you have any questions. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions.


1.concerned= worried 关心 担忧
ex: I am concerned that you didn’t receive them.
ex: I am concerned about my husband, he never comes home at night.
ex: My mother was very concerned about my grades.
ex: Lily and Hannah are very concerned about aging.

2.wonder= think 在想(一扫而过)
ex: I wonder if he likes me.
ex: I wonder if you have received my emails.

3.expire= 过期
ex:the expiring date for the milk is on May 20.
ex: expired milk, expired food,

4. FIFO= first in first out
ex: In the food industry, FIFO is extremely important to prevent waste.

5. hire= to employ something 招聘人
ex: I need to hire more teachers, we have too many students.
ex: I need to hire another person for this position, she sucks.

6. fire= 炒鱿鱼
got fired= 被炒鱿鱼
ex: I really want to fire her. She can’t understand instructions.
ex: She got fired today and cried.