VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1. chained=  连锁
ex: it is a chained restaurant, it has over 20 locations in Shanghai.

2. elevator= 电梯
ex: I want to take the elevator.
ex: There was a strange man in the elevator.

3. birds of a feather flock together= 物以类聚
ex: No wonder you two are friends, birds of a feather flock together.

4. infected= 被感染
ex: I was scared that I was infected.

5. mosquito= 蚊子
mosquito bites= 蚊子块
ex: I have 5 mosquito bites on my leg.

6. mosquito repellent = 防蚊
ex: do you use mosquito repellent when you go out?

7. water repellent= 防水
ex: the new iphone is water repellent, you should not use your phone under water.

8. curious (adj) = 好奇的
curiosity (noun)= 好奇心
ex: When I was a little girl, I was very curious about the world.
ex: cats are full of curiosity.

9. nosy= 爱管闲事的
ex: Lots of women are nosy, they like to ask lots of things.

10. in a good mood= happy
in a bad mood= not happy
ex: are you in a bad mood today? Are you ok?
ex: I’m in a good mood today because I got a new bag.

Speaking exercise

I have a cat, she is 2 years old. I think she’s very outgoing. She can open my window and many mosquitoes flied into my house, but I cannot use any mosquito repellent to kill them, because it’s dangerous to my cat. Every night, my boyfriend and I will catch the mosquitoes.


I have a cat, she is 2 years old. I think she’s very outgoing. She can open my window and many mosquitoes will come into the house, but I cannot use any mosquito repellents to kill them, because the scent is dangerous for my cat. Every night, my boyfriend and I will try and catch/kill the mosquitoes.