VIP Class Notes (Lily)


action question pronunciation medication

short vowel: a
bat hat nat rat cat mat slap clap crab grab backpack laptop


ex: you should wear a mask when you go out

2. spread= 扩散 分散
ex: don’t spread the rumours
ex: the virus spread quickly

3. global= 全球性的
ex: this is a global pandemic
ex: Global warming is a serious problem.

4. national= 国家的
ex: national flag= 国旗
ex: national anthem= 国歌

5. AC= air conditionner
ex: There’s no AC on weekend.
ex: I turn on the AC every night.

6. flood= 洪水
flooded= 被淹没
ex: my kitchen is flooded
ex: the bathroom is flooded.

7. humid= 潮湿的
ex: SH is very humid.

8. laptop= 笔记本
desktop= 台式电脑
ex: I have a laptop at home.
ex: I don’t have a desktop because my apartment is too small for it.