VIP Class Notes (Lily)


1. improvise (verb)= 即兴发挥
ex: if you don’t remember your speech, you could improvise.

2. delusional (adj) = 妄想的
ex: she’s delusional, she keeps thinking her baby is still alive.

3. jeopardize= put XX at risk 损坏 使XX危困
ex: she might jeopardize Show’s career for good.

4. for good= long-term
ex: are you staying in SH for good?

5. irrational= 不理智的
ex: do you think she was a little irrational by posting the statement online?

6. violate= 违背
ex: Marriage violates the human nature.

7. mutual= 彼此
ex: mutual understanding
ex: mutual trust
ex: mutual bond

8. prenup= 婚前协议
ex: I think it would hurt our relationship if I sign the prenup.

9. authenticate = 公证
ex: I need to authenticate my degree.

10. common law= 习惯法
ex: in Canada, if you live with your partner for more than a year, then it would be acknowledged as common law.