VIP Class Notes (Lily)


w: we wake went woke

s: saw, see, sad

short vowel: a, e, i ,o, u 啊诶咦噢呃
hat nat bat pat rat crab
net met let pet yet get
mit pit fit hit bit crib
not hot rot pot jog sock
hug bug rug tug suck puck luck
ex: I have a red hat, a hot sock shock

Long vowel: a, e, I, o, u
hat hate, back  bake, mad made, pat paste
pet Pete
kit kite, rid ride, hick hike, wit wide, lit lite
not note, pock poke, rod rode
puck puke, dud dude, duck duke


Fun in the rain. Down down came the rain. Patty and Joe were in the house. They wanted to play in the rain. “Please mother”, they said “we want to go out in the rain, may we go to see Peter?” Mother said “yes, you may go. ” So they put on their rain coats and rain hats and rain shoes. They they went out in the rain. Splash splash, went Joe and Patty down the street.