VIP Class Notes (Lily)


1. practice 1-10 in English: speaking and spelling
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

2. write 5 sentences with “Where” and answer.
ex: Where is Lily. Lily is at home.


e,  I 诶咦
ned led pet yes desk
lily lid mid rid kid

pet pit
nat nut
pat pot
led lid


Does Lily have a kid? Yes she has a kid
Does Lily have a cat? Yes she has a cat. No she doesn’t.
Does Lily have a dog? Yes she has a dog. No she doesn’t.

**How do you say _____ in English? **

TO BE (是) 
I am                  We are
You are            They are
He is
She is
It is

Where 哪里
ex: Where are you?你在哪?  I am at home. 我在家
ex: Where are they? 他们在哪里? They are at work 他们在上班
ex: Where is he? Where is she? 他在哪? 她在哪?
ex: Where is JingAn Temple? 静安寺在哪里?
ex: Where is my phone? 我的手机呢(我的手机在哪里?)

When= 什么时候
ex: When are you coming? I am coming now.
When are you leaving?  I am leaving now/ I will be leaving in 5 mins.
When is the dinner? Dinner is at 7pm.

ex: What are you doing?
ex: What are you eating? What were you eating? What was he eating?

ex: Why are you not coming? Why are you still not here?
ex: Why do you like her?
ex: Why are you angry? happy? sad? crying? jumping?

How= 如何/怎么
ex: How do you say _______ in English?    how to say
ex: How is your mom? How is your friend? How is he?she?it?