VIP Class Notes (Li)

Needs more review

K: Key(钥匙), King (国王), Kite (风筝)

L: Lion (狮子), Lake(湖),Lorry(卡车), Leg (腿)

M: Music(音乐)


OO: food, good, mood, foot

EE: Tree, Free, See, Feed

AT: Cat, Bat, Sat


School: 学校

What do you do in school? 你在学校做什么?

I learn Chinese in school.

What do you learn (学习) in school?

I learn Chinese and Maths in school.

What grade (年级) are you in?

I am Henry. I am in grade 1. I learn Chinese (中文), English(英语) and Maths(数学) in school.