VIP Class Notes (Li)

Today we focused on:

Big Bang – history book


credence: the belief that something is true

eg. I’d heard rumours over the years, but I never gave them any credence whatsoever.

Speaking exercise

First, people thought that the Earth was flat. Then they found out that it wasn’t. Then people started to look at the stars and most of them like, Aristotle thought that the earth was at the central of the universe and all the planets were moving around it. Ptolemy believed that the sun is the centre of the universe. But, this idea did not gain much credence.


First, people thought that the Earth was flat. Then they found out that it wasn’t. Then people/scholars started to look at the stars and most of them like, Aristotle thought that the earth was at the centre of the universe and all the planets were moving around it. Ptolemy, on the other hand, believed that the sun is at the centre of the universe. But, this idea did not gain much credence.

In the mid 16th century, the question of the stars are moving around the sun or the earth has been answered. The answer was the earth is moving around the sun. It is moving by itself. At first, it was  by a scholar called Ptolemy, his book is now convincing, but the Catholic Church refused to support the new view. Another Polish scholar, Nicolaus Copernicus, wrote another book about The Sun Centred Theory About the Universe.


In the mid 16th century, the question of whether the stars are moving around the sun or the earth has been answered/proven. The answer was that the earth,the moon and some other planets are moving around the sun. They are moving/orbiting by themselves. At first, it was discovered by a scholar called Ptolemy, his book is now convincing, but at the time, the catholic church refused to support the new view. Another Polish scholar, Nicolaus Copernicus, wrote another book about “The Sun Centred Theory About the Universe”.